Coretex Consulting has been supporting the Water Corporation in Perth and throughout Western Australia to develop internal standards and guidelines to ensure effective consideration of Human Factors Integration (HFI) and Human Factors Engineering (HFE) within the project lifecycle. Typcally the two documents described below are sufficient to support projects to identify and execute HFE...
Human Factors and Major Hazard Facilities
Coretex Consulting has been supporting several organisations, who operate Major Hazard Facilities (MHF), to more effectively integrate Human Factors into their safety management systems. This helps to ensure alignment with Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) ‘Human Factors self-assessment tool for safety management systems’ checklist, which DMIRS are...
Human Factors Engineering AMPOL Refinery
Coretex Consulting have been providing support to the AMPOL Future Fuels Project which aims to reduce sulphur from 150ppmw to 10ppmw across all fuel grades at Lytton Refinery. The project includes: Greenfield scope, which covers the new Gasoline Treatment Unit (GTU), hot oil infrastructure, coolingtower and associated auxiliaries, to be...
Human and Organsitional Performance HOP
As well as Human Factors Engineering (HFE) Coretex Consulting works with leading Iron Ore companies in Western Australia to support Human and Organisational Performance (HOP) strategies. Our team, which consists of Human Performance specialists, Organisational Psychologists and Organisational Development specialists, is currently delivering projects with Rio Tinto and FMG which...