A Human Factors Integration Plan (HFIP) describes the technical and management framework for Human Factors Integration (HFI) across a project. It assures the Principal that all delivered assets are safe to operate and maintain, and that operations, maintenance and other end-user activities are not compromised during design and construction.
The purpose of this HFIP is to provide an overview of the expected output, of the Early Human Factors Analyses Reports (EHFA), that will be undertaken during various phases of the project, and to then describe a programme of work that addresses the outcome of the reports.
Further aims of the HFIP are to:
- Establish a structured approach to HF integration across the project lifecycle
- Ensure that APA aligns with the expectations of the Principal with respect to Human Factors Engineering (HFE) and the identification and management of HF issues during Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance
- Describe the processes for identification, capture and management of HF issues and risks within the Human Factors Issues Register (HFIR)
- Describe the processes for the development and updating of Human Factors Engineering Design Specifications where required
- Describe in detail how HFE will be integrated into the design development and systems assurances process and how it will be managed and documented across the project lifecycle
- Present a programme of work that has been influenced by early HF considerations of related tasks and risks associated with design, operations, and maintenance
- Set expectations for the HF processes, techniques and methodologies that should be employed during future phases of the project.
- Describe the roles, responsibilities, competencies and resourcing arrangements that different project stakeholders should hold with respect to HF integration
- Identify the various parts of the wider project team whose activities need to address HF requirements
- Assist the project in setting expectations for the future management and demonstration of HFI throughout the project
For suppport in the integration of human factors into project follow the link for more information.